Monday, February 22, 2010

and the answer is....

I've decided that I will be doing a 3 pc country set.
Your going to LOVE it but I'm not spilling and telling
you what it will be. How fun this is going to be.

I'm going to be doing my first special right here on
Feb. 27th.

Be sure to check in and let me know what you
all are looking for, after all I'm here for my clients and
what they are needing, wanting, wishing for.

I give myself an hour to list ONE item, answer emails thats about all
I can do with this slow dial up we have on this farm. Actually that is about
all I can handle before I loose it and want to toss it. Its like have a country
turtle and the city rabbit. *silly isn't it* NOOOO its crazy....LOL

I'm always up late at night sewing, sewing, and more sewing.
Thats when I can come up with some wonderful creative thinking.
No phones, No company, No laundry, cleaning, etc. since hubby is sleeping
I don't want to wake him I always head to the studio and
begin the creating. Trouble is I have SO much fabric sometimes
I truly believe it becomes overwhelming at which fabrics to
pick and watch it come alive. Other times I walk through
the door and its dancing pick me. LOL

Knowing alot of my clients hearts and what they and their
little ones love helps with the creations. I like to know what
color hair, eyes, tall and thin, itty bitty, or normal range.
Nothing like creating a set for someone if I don't know these
things because I just don't get into it as good if I think my
items will wash them out with the colors of the fabrics. Did I
tell how much I LOVE HIGH QUALITY fabric??? It sure can be expensive
to purchase at times but oh so worth it. My prices are high when my
supplies are high, low when I get a good deal somewhere, which
I will pass on to my clients.

I used to do free shipping only until that got out of hand too so to help you the customer I will try my best to split it with you. :o) There are times when I will say ok free shipping on this item
on this day only, so watch for those little perks.

Time to try and get some sleep work comes early.
Sweet Dreams be safe and warm.

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